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Action Game

Votes(2) Score :5
Post subject: rComplex 
Posted: 04.10.2010, 11:08
License: Freeware
Downloads: 3457x

rComplex Flagge

rComplex Thumb

Description IconDescription :

rComplex is a free game inspired by Canabalt. You have to complete the action-packed levels, moving fast to escape from the tentacles of the giant squid . Jump, slide and shoot to get past the levels. If you are not fast enough, you will be eaten by the Monster.

Features IconFeatures :

- Simple control
- Good chase
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
- Processor 1.5 GHz
- 256 MB Ram
- 3D Graphics Card with 64MB Ram
- DirectX

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

rComplex Image 1

rComplex Image 2

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

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