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Red Eclipse

Linux Game

Red Eclipse
Votes(8) Score :4.5
Post subject: Red Eclipse 
Posted: 09.11.2011, 16:02
License: Freeware
Downloads: 9648x

Red Eclipse Flagge

Red Eclipse Thumb

Description IconDescription :

Red Eclipse is a fast and colorful free first-person shooter in 3D. The game has been clearly designed for the multiplayer campaign. The fights in the arena against others are challenging, based on the game mode. For example, you have to get maximum kills in the first round. The game was created with the Cube 2 engine and is available for Linux, Mac and Windows.

Features IconFeatures :

- Map editor
- And many well-known Game-modes
- Boosts, Power jumps
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
- Processor 2 Ghz
- 256 MB Ram
- 3D Graphics Card with 128MB Ram
- DirectX

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Red Eclipse Image 1

Red Eclipse Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

Download Icon WindowsDownload (Windows) - (420 MB)

Download Icon LinuxDownload (Linux)

Download Icon MacDownload (Mac)

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