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Adventure Game

Votes(8) Score :4.1
Post subject: Rosemary 
Posted: 06.05.2011, 11:41
License: Freeware
Downloads: 11233x

Rosemary Flagge

Rosemary Thumb

Description IconDescription :

Rosemary has turned out to be a real treat for adventure fans. You take control of Rosemary with classic elements such as "Go to" "take", but also "Smell" and other commands at your disposal. It will just show the possible terms of the focused object which is making it a little bit easier. The game is all about the memories you have in which will be written down in a book. So take all your senses from your childhood memories and create it together.

Features IconFeatures :

- Innovative game
- Very good graphics
- Change between then and now
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
- Processor 1 Ghz
- 128 MB Ram
- 3D Graphics Card with 64MB Ram
- DirectX

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Rosemary Image 1

Rosemary Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

Download Icon WindowsDownload (Windows) - (29 MB)

Download Icon Windows MirrorMirror (Windows)

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