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Horror Game

Votes(30) Score :4.2
Post subject: Euthanasia 
Posted: 10.05.2011, 20:52
License: Freeware
Downloads: 40353x

Euthanasia Flagge

Euthanasia Thumb

Description IconDescription :

Euthanasia is extremely well developed for a free FPS game. Music, ambiente, and effects are well matched and give you the creeps as you play it. It is not recommended for kids! You play Shaun Randall who used to work for the military service until he was run over by a taxi. Unfortunately, the doctor could not save his legs, our character wanted to end his life. But what happened to Shaun Randall?

Note: Does not run in Win7 SP1 and other updated service pakcs.

Features IconFeatures :

- Thrill
- Good graphics
- 3D horror action
- very intensive
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
- Processor 2 Ghz
- 1 GB Ram
- 3D Graphics Card with 256MB Ram
- DirectX

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Euthanasia Image 1

Euthanasia Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

Download Icon WindowsDownload (Windows) - (572 MB)

Misc :

Bitte unbedingt den Patch downloaden dann Entpacken und mit den alten Datein überschreiben damit viele Bugs behoben werden die das Spiel unspielbar machen könnten.
Patch (Windows)

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