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Strategy Game

Votes(46) Score :4.2
Post subject: Schiffbruch 
Posted: 26.08.2007, 12:53
License: Freeware
Downloads: 57016x

Schiffbruch Flagge

Schiffbruch Thumb

Description IconDescription :

A man has been stranded on a deserted island and he must now cope with his life.
One can tinker tools, go fishing, go hunting, create fields and build houses. The ultimate goal is to escape the island. It is a mix of building, strategy and adventure genres.

Features IconFeatures :

- Survival training
- Easy gameplay
- Rescue zeal
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Pentium 200 Mhz or higher
- 32 MB RAM
- Windows 95/98/2000/XP
- DirectX 6
- DirectSound-compatible Soundcard
- Mouse

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Schiffbruch Image 1

Schiffbruch Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

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