Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space

Adventure Game

Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space
Votes(27) Score :4.1
Post subject: Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space 
Posted: 28.05.2008, 01:02
License: Freeware
Downloads: 29636x

Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space Flagge

Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space Thumb

Description IconDescription :

What can I say? I have the tears in my eyes .. I met Zak when I was a small child. I quickly developed a love for the character and the humor. The story is unmistakable.

Now we come to the game Between Time and Space. You will receive the same two hadaded squirrels as a loading bar which immediately brought a smile on my lips. The presentation looks very professional at first glance, this is a well deserved comment for the team as it has worked for 7 years on the project. The graphics make a lasting impression and the contemporary sound and music recordings are also very well done.

I myself am unfortunately not gone far and don't want to write much longer, because I'm already convinced of the quality and listen to my charakter just talking in the background that I should hurry up (the game is still in the taskbar). So I play on now, definitely value a download for all adventure fans and Zak McKracken.

Features IconFeatures :

- 50 backgrounds
- Super-scenes
- Best Free Game Adventure
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2K/XP/Vista
- Pentium 1.5 Ghz
- 1 GB Ram
- DirectX 9
- 3D Graphics Card with 128MB
- Soundcard

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space Image 1

Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

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