John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island

Adventure Game

John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island
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Post subject: John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island 
Posted: 23.11.2009, 16:41
License: Freeware
Downloads: 5382x

John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island Flagge

John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island Thumb

Description IconDescription :

You must have good English skills a prerequisite, or you will not need to install the appropriate language pack. You play Simon, an old friend of a private investigator John Jebediah Gun. You have many many cases to solve one by one.

Features IconFeatures :

- Good humor Adventure
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
- Processor 2 GHz
- 256 MB Ram
- Graphics Card with 128MB Ram
- DirectX 9

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island Image 1

John Jebediah Gun and Sephret Island Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

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