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Adventure Game

Votes(5) Score :5
Post subject: Patrimonium 
Posted: 25.02.2007, 16:35
License: Freeware
Downloads: 15463x

Patrimonium Flagge

Patrimonium Thumb

Description IconDescription :

Patrimonium is a typical old-school adventure game which resembles the Style of the old Lucas Arts masterpieces like DOTT and Indy 4. The game has been created by Chuck Productions freaks who never stop to think about the future of adventure games. Patrimonium is completely free, which means they will make no profit at all. It is now a finished game with 5 playable levels.

Features IconFeatures :

- Lots of fun :)
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Ihren PC
- 400 MHZ CPU
- Graphics Card with D3D Unterstützung, 16 MB Speicher
- DirectX 9.0, Windows
- Mouse
- Festplatte(nplatz)
- Hand um Mouse zu bedienen

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Patrimonium Image 1

Patrimonium Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

Download Icon WindowsDownload (Windows) - (174 MB)

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