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Platform Game

Votes(7) Score :4.9
Post subject: Perspective 
Posted: 31.12.2012, 02:27
License: Freeware
Downloads: 9856x

Perspective Flagge

Perspective Thumb

Description IconDescription :

A very innovative game again from the students of the DigiPen University. In Perspective we play the game in 2 different modes. In the 3D-world we control the camera to a point where we think the 2D-player can solve the platformer. Than we take over the control in the 2D-world and try to solve the level. Very unique and good idea.

Features IconFeatures :

- 3D and 2D graphics
- Dual Gameplay
- Innovative
- Sophisticated
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
- Processor 3 Ghz
- 2 GB Ram
- 3D Graphics Card with 256MB Ram
- DirectX

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Perspective Image 1

Perspective Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

Download Icon WindowsDownload (Windows) - (97 MB)

Download Icon Windows MirrorMirror (Windows)

Post subject:  
Posted: 15.10.2013, 09:17

this game is look like orthorobot

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