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Yo Frankie!

Platform Game

Yo Frankie!
Votes(36) Score :4.3
Post subject: Yo Frankie! 
Posted: 13.04.2009, 14:47
License: Freeware
Downloads: 45779x

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Yo Frankie! Thumb

Description IconDescription :

The game has the title of the best jump and Run Freegames according to me. I not only like the extremely good clever style animation, I also like the various levels of mind-bending required to make the jumps and clever ways to complete the level. Finally a small revolution in the Jump'n'Run genre. There are many dangers for our small flying squirrel. You have to cross numerous gorges, obstacles and lava flows. If you find a sheep, have no doubts to simply throw it in the air, this makes Frankie seemingly fun :D. Sometimes various items must be collected to proceed further. So all in all, a very creative and ingenious game.

Features IconFeatures :

- Beautiful animated worlds
- Funny comic style
- Large Level
- Expandability
- Cool multiplayer with split screen
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2K/XP/Vista
- Processor with 2.5 Ghz
- 1GB Memory
- Soundcard

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Yo Frankie! Image 1

Yo Frankie! Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

Download IconDownload via Downloadmanager :

Download Icon WindowsDownload (Windows) - (120 MB)

Download Icon Windows MirrorMirror (Windows)

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