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Linux Game

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Post subject: Gravitation 
Posted: 30.03.2008, 16:08
License: Freeware
Downloads: 4884x

Gravitation Flagge

Gravitation Thumb

Description IconDescription :

Hmm, I do not even know how to describe this game. I've still not really a clue what it's all about. First of all, there is a variable screen view with a variable bounce or gravity, this is related to the on-screen visibility. The first thing I played was throwing hearts with a young lady. After that I experienced supergravity and gained a star to settle myself down on the floor which disappeared after a few seconds. As far as I've noticed you have to throw them in the oven so. As mentioned earlier.. I really do not know how to describe the game

Features IconFeatures :

- Innovative gameplay
- Good platform support
Requirements IconRequirements :

- Windows 98/2000/XP etc. / GNU/Linux / MacOS X 10.2
- Pentium 100 Mhz
- 32MB RAM

Screenshots IconScreenshots :

Gravitation Image 1

Gravitation Image 2

Publisher Sites IconPublisher Sites :

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